Find Out About Shuttle Mediation Services and How it Can Bring Resolution.
Sometimes traditional mediation just isn’t possible whether that’s because of an existing court order such as non-molestation, restraining order or bail conditions or if you just don’t feel able to participate in face to face mediation with the other person, Shuttle Mediation can be your route to conflict resolution.
Shuttle mediation is a form of mediation where you will not see or hear the other party and will instead negotiate via the Mediator instead of in a face to face meeting.
Family Mediation will always start with an assessment Meeting known as a MIAM.
This is an information sharing meeting for the Mediator to explain more about the process and to access what each client needs to participate safely.
Only if everyone agrees, will the Mediation process move to a joint or shuttle mediation meeting.
Regardless of which method you choose to use mediation is an alternative to courts and can help resolve disputes with finances, divorce, and child access arrangements.
Unless there are exceptional circumstances clients are not permitted to have anyone else present in the joint or Shuttle Mediation sessions.
Having said that parties are not under pressure to agree on the spot and therefore have the opportunity to discuss matters with their support networks or legal team in between sessions
Mediation is one of the cheapest and quickest options to resolve disputes however it is not for everyone. Mediation offers greater flexibility for dispute resolution. If you feel Mediation is not the option for you, then you can consider negotiating via a solicitor, you could consider court however the disadvantages are usually large costs and time.
We would usually recommend 90-120 minutes for a joint or shuttle mediation session.
This offers the mediator time to relocate in between rooms and also review the concerns with each client separately.
Because of this, shuttle sessions takes longer than in person mediation. For parenting or financial mediation, we sometimes find that 2-3 sessions is needed.
Shuttle mediation is a way for parties to engage in conflict resolution when direct communication presents challenges. In this process, the mediator shuttles between participants, offering communication and negotiation in separate virtual rooms. This method ensures confidentiality while allowing for the exchange of legal advice and the exploration of mediation services. The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme is also available for families with shuttle mediation.
Utilizing virtual rooms, shuttle mediation offers a flexible approach to dispute resolution in the UK and beyond. While it streamlines the negotiation process, Shuttle mediation remains a valuable tool for addressing conflicts effectively. Read our mediation FAQ here and to contact our team, send us an email via the online form.
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